
sensors icons with environmental background

为保护地球资源,液体传感器在环境监测中发挥着重要作用。从检测污染、保持水质到促进保护工作,这些传感器已成为不可或缺的工具。本文回顾了什么是环境监测,以及液体传感器在清洁水获取途径有限的人群中的作用。什么是 [...]


chlorine tablets near a swimming pool

游离氯和总氯测量对于确定水处理工作的有效性非常重要。这是因为它们能让人深入了解氯与污染物之间的相互作用,并有助于提供正确的氯剂量。在本文中,我们将回顾什么是游离氯和总氯、它们的传感器以及它们的重要性 [...]


lead pipe with water dripping out



Cooling tower chiller chimmey


饮用水的 pH 值是多少?

glass of drinking water

本文回顾了 pH 值在饮用水中的重要性、饮用水的最佳 pH 值范围、如何测量 pH 值及其对健康的影响。


wastewater facility

Wastewater treatment plays a crucial role in preserving our environment and ensuring the availability of clean water for several purposes. As the global population increases and industries expand, the demand for effective wastewater treatment solutions is on the rise. Fortunately, emerging technologies are paving the way for innovative and sustainable approaches to address this challenge. […]


Water conductivity range is a crucial parameter when assessing the quality and purity of water in various applications. Moreover, it is a measure of the ability of water to conduct electricity, which is proportional to the quantity of dissolved ions. In this article, we delve into the significance of water conductivity range, explore it for […]


saturated calomel electrode

Electrodes play a pivotal role in electrochemical measurements, and one of the stalwarts in the field is the saturated calomel electrode. It is a reference electrode that functions via a reaction between elemental mercury and mercurous chloride.  In this article, we review a typical diagram of a saturated calomel electrode, then delve into its theory […]
