AlpHa 测量解决方案


In municipal wastewater facilities, chlorination is a fundamental element of the treatment process, essential to disinfect the water and eliminate harmful pathogens. It can also benefit the activated sludge process and even mitigate greases, oils and odors across the treatment application. After chlorination is completed and disinfection confirmed, the wastewater then needs to be dechlorinated to almost undetectable levels to ensure the downstream environment is not exposed to harmful levels of chlorine or chlorine byproducts. Proper monitoring of chlorine is critical throughout the wastewater treatment process to ensure effective disinfection and a safe water supply. AlpHa’s amperometric RC67 and RC68 chlorine sensors provide a continuous, direct measurement of chlorine in parts per million (ppm).
wastewater treatment plant tanks aeration and biological purification of sewage
  • 范围:
    • 0 - 2 ppm / 0 - 5 ppm / 0 - 10 ppm / 0 - 20 ppm / 0 - 100 ppm
    • 可在 0 - 100 ppm 范围内调节
  • 典型校准频率:每月
  • 响应时间:T90 120 秒
  • 分辨率: 0.01 ppm0.01 ppm 
  • 准确性: 0.2 ppm 或 4%,以较高者为准
  • 温度范围:0 至 50°C
  • pH 值范围:pH 值介于 6 至 9 之间,在此范围之外可进行 pH 值补偿
  • 流量:
    • 最小值:30 升/小时(0.6 厘米/秒)
    • 最大:60 升/小时(1.3 厘米/秒)
  • 传感器类型:带薄膜的 3 电极安培计传感器
  • 保修: 12 个月
  • 技术
    • 游离氯
    • 总氯
    • 二氧化氯
  • 外形尺寸
    • 流程机构
    • 可提供定制选项
  • 外壳材料选择
    • PVC / CPVC
    • ABS
    • 雷顿
    • 可提供定制选项
  • 热敏电阻选项
    • 集成温度补偿
  • 综合插入
    • 1 英寸压缩接头
    • 3/4 英寸 NPT
    • 可提供定制选项
  • 模拟
    • 4 - 20 mA
    • 0 - 5 V
  • 数字
    • RS-485 Modbus RTU
  • 电缆和连接器
    • 镀锡引线
    • 可提供定制选项